SLB Entreprises offers various services to investors of all types and to companies that are active in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, especially in the Arc Jurassien region.
From our headquarters in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, we offer a variety of services such as domiciling and management of companies, consulting by telephone, support in the search for financing and investment opportunities (M&A), in establishing networks, or in providing assistance for business transfer or takeover.
Thanks to in-depth knowledge of the local and regional business structure, SLB enterprises is an excellent contact platform and interface between investors and companies. We can help you execute your business projects successfully, efficiently, and confidentially.
Rue du Château 7
2000 Neuchâtel
Case postale 2253
Phone & Fax
Phone: +41.32.725.84.55
Fax: +41.32.724.53.94